- Licenciado en Medicina (1989) y en Odontología (1992) ambos por la Universidad de Barcelona (UB)
- Es profesor visitante en los Departamentos de Implantología de la Universidad Europea de Madrid (UEM) y la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
- Co-fundador y miembro del BORG desde 2005, ha participado en numerosos artículos y ponencias de ámbito internacional sobre estética y rehabilitaciones orales multidisciplinares, así como también en estudios colaborando con universidades de Barcelona, Madrid, Kyoto, Turín, New York y Murcia.
Premios y reconocimientos
- Ganador Mesa Clínica, SEPA 2005 (Barcelona)
- Ganador (Ex-Aequo) Comunicaciones Libres, SEPES 2005 (Almería)
Publicaciones científicas
- ‘Benefits of an Implant Platform Modification Technique to Reduce Crestal Bone Resorption’. Vela Rodríguez Rodado Segalà. IMPLANT DENTISTRY. Vol. 15, Number 3, 2006
- ‘OsseoGuard™Case Study: Treatment Of Buccal Defect And Extraction Sockets Before Implant Placement’. Vela. EYE ON 3I (Biomet3i Publication 2007
- ‘Modificación de Plataforma: Concepto y Beneficios’ Vela, Rodríguez, Rodado, Segalà. LABOR DENTAL CLÍNICA Diciembre 2006 Vol. 7
- ‘Platform Switching: Clinical and Biomechanical Outcomes’. Vela Rodríguez Segalà. EDI JOURNAL Issue3/2008 Vol.4
- ‘Alternatives To Maxillary Sinus Lift: Posterior Area Of The Atrophic Maxilla Rehabilitation By Means Pterigoideal Implants’. Rodríguez Vela Méndez Segalà. REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE CIRUGÍA ORAL Y MAXILOFACIAL. 2008;30,6
- ‘Immediate Implant Placement and Immediate Loading After a Complicated Tooth Extraction’. Vela. COSMETIC DENTISTRY 3_2008, and reedition on IMPLANTS 1_2008.
- ‘Protocol For The Aesthetic Rehabilitation Of Four Maxillary Incisors’. Vela. EYE ON 3I (Biomet3i Publication ‘Clinical Perspectives: Case Presentations’ Vela del&Castillo Sonick. CLINICAL PERSPECTIVES (Biomet3i Publication Volume 7, Issue 1 2008
- ‘The Effect of Interimplant Distance on The Height of the Interimplant Bone Crest When Using PlatformSSwitched Implants’. Rodríguez Vela Segalà Calvo Cambra Méndez Tarnow. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERIODONTICS & RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY. Volume 29, Number 2, 2009
- ‘Biomechanical Repercussions of Bone Resorption Related to Biologic Width: A Finite Element Analysis of Three ImplantS Abutment Configurations’. Rodríguez Vela Segalà Rodado Méndez Mata. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERIODONTICS & RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY. Volume 29, Number 5, 2009
- ‘Implant Positioning When Replacing the Four Maxillary Incisors. A PlatformSSwitched Treatment Option’. Vela Méndez Rodríguez Segalà Gil. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERIODONTICS & RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY. Volume 31, Number 4, 2011
- ‘Histomorphogenesis Around Implants’. Rodríguez Vela Méndez Segalà CHAPTER OF THE BOOK ‘CRESTAL BONE PRESERVATION’ PUBLISHED BY QUINTESSENCE
- ‘Soft Tissues Remodelling Technique As A NonSInvasive Alternative To Second Implant Surgery’. Vela, Méndez, Rodríguez, Segalà, Gil. THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ESTHETIC DENTISTRY. Volume 7 Number 1 Spring 2012
- ‘Crestal Bone Changes On PlatformSSwitched Implants and Adjacent Teeth When the ToothSImplant Distance Is Less Than 1.5mm’s’. Vela Méndez Rodríguez Segalà Tarnow. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERIODONTICS & RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY. Volume 32, Number 2 , 2012
- ‘Effect of platform switching on collagen fiber orientation and bone resorption around dental implants. A preliminary histological animal study’ Rodríguez Vela CalvoAGuirado Nart Stappert. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS. Volume 27, Number 5, 2012
- ‘The effect of abutment dis/reconnections on periSimplant bone resorption: A radiologic study of platformSswitched and nonSplatformSswitched implants placed in animals’ Rodríguez Vela Méndez Segalà CalvoAGuirado Tarnow&&CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH. (Publication scheduled: 2013
- ‘Modified surgical protocol for placing implants in the pterygomaxillary region: clinical and radiological study of 454 implants’ Vela Méndez Rodríguez Segalà.&THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS (Publication Scheduled: November 2012